Solace Bereavement Support Group
Supporting Bereaved Friends
The regular meetings provide an opportunity for members to encourage and support each other, talking together over a cuppa and cake. The Solace group meets on Thursday mornings, fortnightly, 10.30am to 12, in St Martin's Community Centre and offers support and friendship to people who have been bereaved.
Contact Revd. Claire Claxton, tel. 01481 238815
Email: for more details
The meetings are very informal but usually include an opportunity to talk about a particular topic that the group members feel would be helpful. The aim is to give emotional, spiritual and practical support to bereaved people by providing a friendly and caring atmosphere where feelings and problems can be shared honestly and confidentially with people who understand.
The group members also meet occasionally for social outings such as lunch or a film. Outings like these, help to rebuild confidence and have proved to be fun and popular. Solace is for people from any parish. There is no time limit on how long ago a person’s bereavement was. If someone feels they need some extra friendship and support, then they will find a warm welcome at Solace.